I'm back! And off again...
I'm sorry I didn't post earlier! There was just too much homework to do (and my PE teacher's decided it's time for another six week period of writing training schedules, damn her).
Anyway, Oslo was great, the Netherlands was great, the airports were not so great. We were planning a trip to Xanten as well but that had to be called off because the rest of the family thought the weather wasn't good enough.
No Romans for me, in other words. I had to settle for the Dom Church of Utrecht, which is interesting enough to be sure (plus it's built right on top of Roman Traiectum).Het Pandhof, the herb garden of the church. It's a bit more colourful in summer :)
I've got more pics but I'll have to post them when I get back. Tonight I'm off to Oslo again, this time for the finals of the physics olympiad (but I'm not going to stress now, I can't go to the international finals anyway since I already qualified for the international chemistry finals). I'll read up on all the posts I've missed when I get back as well!