... one giant leap for the Roman Empire.Marcus can be an annoying idiot, but occasionally he does have good ideas.
Pics from here and here.
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The ramblings of a crazy book-lover. Here you can find, amongst other things: pictures, rants about characters who don't cooperate, longer rants about chocolate and tea, the occasional book review and essay about history, and perhaps a snippet from one of my novels.
Hey, I thought you left him in the river until he was sober. :)
But it's a cool pic.
There was a loophole :P He swore that he wouldn't try to reach the moon *himself*. But Cerialis sent an expedition to the moon (he received a note saying Civilis has his HQ there...)
Marcus is the brain behind it all though (or rather, the lack thereof)
I blame the fact that I've hardly slept this week :)
And how did he get there? I mean, the Romans had some pretty impressive catapults, but reaching the moon ...?
Well, they rode there. With coconuts :)
No way! :o omg, he's on the moon now? Seriously how did he get there? :D Nice pic though
(and it's Linwe btw)
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